Caring for Your Baby’s Teeth: ‘How Do I Use a Finger Toothbrush for Babies?’ and Other Important Questions

A baby’s smile is the most precious sight. If you think your little one is adorable now, wait until you see how cute they look with their first few teeth!

Your job is to make sure your baby has good dental hygiene even during the earliest developmental years. You may find this challenging or confusing. But, never fear. With this article, you can learn about the frequently asked questions parents have about caring for their little one’s teeth, including how to use a finger toothbrush for babies!

What You Need To Know About Caring for Your Baby’s Teeth: 7 Questions and Answers

Q#1: When will my baby’s teeth start coming?

A: According to the American Dental Association, an infant’s 20 primary teeth are already present in the jaw at birth. However, the teeth only start appearing through the gums once the child is about 4 to 6 months old. By the time a child is about 3 years old, they will likely already have a complete set of 20 primary teeth.

You will notice that your baby has started teething if they are showing these symptoms: 

  • Frequently fussy and crying
  • Drooling
  • Trying to chew and bite things
  • Bringing their hands to their mouth
  • Exhibiting a change in their sleeping or eating pattern
  • Having swollen and tender gums

One thing new parents should know: it’s never too early to start caring for your baby’s teeth. Even during the early stages of teething, parents can take steps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease in their little ones.

Q#2: How can I keep my baby’s teeth and gums healthy?

A: Practicing proper oral hygiene habits are essential even for infants. Parents can set their little ones up for a lifetime of good dental health by following these tips:

  • Avoid giving your baby sugary drinks. When bottle-feeding your baby, give them only plain water or milk. Repeated exposure to beverages such as sweetened water, soft drinks, or fruit juices can lead to tooth decay.
  • Do not share spoons with your baby. As much as possible, try to avoid situations where your infant’s mouth can come in contact with your saliva. 
  • Always use a clean pacifier. Some parents dip pacifiers in sugar and honey to get their babies to latch on, but this is not recommended and could lead to teeth and gum problems. At the same time, some pediatricians recommend skipping the pacifier altogether. You may want to check your doctor’s stand on this debate. 

Use a baby toothbrush. This step is the most critical. It would be best if you clean your little one’s teeth twice a day with a finger toothbrush for babies. Doing so will help your child avoid oral infections and learn proper hygiene habits as early as possible.

Q#3: What should I use to clean my baby’s teeth?

A: When your child’s first teeth start to pop up, this is the best time to start using a finger toothbrush for your baby. A finger toothbrush is a small brush that fits over an adult’s finger and is specially designed to clean babies’ teeth. Typically, these toothbrushes have extra-soft bristles for the comfort and safety of your baby’s sensitive mouth.

Q#4: When should I start using a finger toothbrush for my baby?

A: You can use a finger toothbrush for babies even if your little one doesn’t have teeth yet or is only starting to have teeth. By introducing them to a baby toothbrush early, their teeth will have a healthy environment to start growing in, and their gums will be free of harmful bacteria.

Q#5: How do I use a finger toothbrush for my baby?

A: If you don’t quite understand how to use a baby finger toothbrush to clean your little one’s teeth, here are the steps you can follow:

  • Use a clean washcloth to wipe your baby’s gums. Be gentle as you wipe, and don’t neglect the area under the lip region. Doing this will help reduce bacteria buildup in your child’s mouth.
  • Wet the finger toothbrush for babies by soaking it in warm water for a few minutes. This step is essential for softening the bristles further.
  • Use a toothpaste amount that’s the size of a grain of rice. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, using this amount of toothpaste is recommended until your child is about 3 years old.

Encourage your child to spit out the toothpaste after brushing. Fluoride is safe for children, but they should still avoid ingesting it. Consuming more toothpaste than the recommended amount can lead to an upset stomach.

Q#6: Why is it essential to use a finger toothbrush for my baby?

A: Cleaning your child’s teeth with a baby finger toothbrush is vital for keeping up their oral hygiene. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that cavities are among the most common childhood chronic diseases in the U.S., affecting about 1 in 5 (20%) young children. Thankfully, daily brushing was found to reduce the prevalence of cavities and other oral infections.

Taking care of your baby’s teeth can also help protect your child’s oral health even throughout adulthood. According to the ADA, when a baby’s tooth falls off too early, adult teeth can fill the space, making it harder for other permanent teeth to grow and find room within the mouth. Cleaning your child’s teeth regularly with a finger toothbrush for babies can help prevent future teeth from growing crooked or crowded.

Q#7: Aside from using a finger toothbrush for babies, how can I help my infant with teething?

A: Babies can often become irritable while teething. The discomfort of their growing teeth may cause them to cry more often and have difficulty eating or sleeping. In addition to caring for your baby’s teeth, there are ways you can help lessen your little one’s irritation during this stage. Here are some suggestions:

  • Set and maintain a consistent routine. Parents can help relieve their baby’s discomfort during teething by sticking to a constant eating and sleeping schedule. The routine will allow the child to feel more comfortable and safe despite the changes they are experiencing.
  • Use a chilled washcloth. You can place a wet washcloth in the freezer until it’s chilled but not frozen, and then give it to your child to chew on. Another option is to use the washcloth to massage your baby’s gums. Washcloth helps relieve the areas of their mouth where they are experiencing discomfort.

Give your child teethers or toys. Another way of helping ease your baby’s teething pains is by using teethers or toys that they can chew on. If you’re looking for a teether that also functions as a baby toothbrush, PRO-SYS has the product.

Discover the Wonders of the PRO-SYS 2-in-1 Baby Teething Brush!

Taking care of a baby’s dental health, especially when they’re selective about what gets placed in their mouth, is no easy task. Thankfully, keeping your little one’s teeth clean doesn’t have to be such a chore when you have the PRO-SYS Dual Baby Toothbrush

This 2-in-1 brush can be the ideal tool for parents with sweet yet fussy little ones, combining the functionality of a finger toothbrush for babies with the comfort and fun of a teething toy. Whether you’re at home or on the go, you can keep your baby entertained and calm without sacrificing their oral hygiene. Learn more about how this baby toothbrush can benefit you and your family!

A baby’s smile is the most precious sight. If you think your little one is adorable now, wait until you see how cute they look with their first few teeth! Your job is to make sure your baby has good dental hygiene even during the earliest developmental years. You may find this challenging or confusing. […]

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A Complete Toothbrush Guide for Every Age Group: How to Choose the Best Toothbrush for Toddlers, Kids, Teens, and Adults


Dental health is essential throughout the lifetime, from infancy to late adulthood. People from different stages of life also have varying oral hygiene needs. The electric or manual toothbrush that works for an adult, for instance, may not necessarily be best for your little one. If you need help finding the best toothbrush for babies, […]